The design project “RONG” has undergone five years of exploration with bamboo, silk, mud, copper, and eventually paper. Now loaded with fruitful achievements, it returns to where it took root, Hangzhou. We are honored to have participated in this project and heartfully grateful to all designers and staff.
“融” 设计展回到故乡—中国杭州
“融” 设计项目,从一颗设计的种子到生根发芽,历经 “竹、丝、土、铜、纸” 五年的探索,现在载着满满的收获回到它的发源地——中国杭州。很荣幸明渡工作室可以参与到“融”设计项目,也对于所有的设计师们和工作人员表示由衷的感谢!
Photo Credit :PINWU,Jinrong Hu (Curator)
图片来源: 品物流形,胡京容(策展人)